Join me in making a Gospel impact?

Hello Reader,

I hope this letter finds you well. Maybe you are like me and can't believe that summer has flown by and we are in August already!

I wanted to share an update with you that is summarized in the 1min video I recorded for you below:

Here is the gist.

As you might know, I just graduated high school, and the Lord has done so much in my heart this past year.

Early last fall, the Lord awakened me, along with my friends, to start a Bible study that we've been doing weekly in my garage.

These times have been profound and powerful as I've watched such a beautiful move of God in my own heart and in so many around me.

He has stirred us all with such a deep burning and a fresh hunger for the Word, and for intimacy with Him.

Gap Year & MAPS Training

As I look ahead, I have been stirred to take a gap year for the Lord to ground me even further in intimacy, prayer, and the Word.

And then, to take that heart of worship and love for God's Word that He has cultivated in me, to the nations.

Where the Lord has led me to give myself in these ways is an organization called MAPS, Ministry of Advancing Prayer and Sending, in Richmond, Virginia.

I am planning to attend their Frontier Missions School, where I will be trained in prayer, identity in Christ, worship leading, and frontier missions in a family oriented context.

After the training phase, I will be placed on a team that will be sent together for 90 days into an unreached nation, serving in day and night prayer and evangelism at one of MAPS bases in strategic cities across the 10/40 window.

Will you join me?

For me to step forward in this training, discipleship, and outreach that I believe God is calling me to, I need the financial support of a partnership team.

The total cost for the Fall training phase, including tuition, travel, and living expenses, is about $8,000, and an additional $8,500 for the Spring missions trip.

Through senior graduation gifts, savings, and hard work this summer I have raised $5,000/$8,000, with only $3,000 left to go by Aug 29th.

Reader, will you prayerfully consider partnering with me financially?

Your one-time gift or reoccurring contribution will make an impact by enabling me to fully participate in the MAPS internship and equip me as a worship leader and missionary.

To partner with me, contributions can be made via CashApp (through my father's), Zelle (contact me), and a tax-deductible option coming soon.

Thank you for prayerfully considering this request and for your continued support and encouragement.

I am so expectant for all the Lord has ahead and I look forward to sharing updates with you along the way.

In Christ,

— David

P.S. I would love to hear from you!

Feel free to hit reply to this email and let me know how I can pray for you, if you have any questions, or if you want to send me a prayer or encouragement. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Count down to 2024-08-29T17:00:00.000Z

Hi! I'm David

Hi, I’m David Candler, and my passion is to know Jesus deeply and love Him wholeheartedly, and to serve my generation by helping to fan the flame of their passion and discipleship unto Jesus.

Read more from Hi! I'm David
Looking at sunset over fall foliage from a cliff

Hey Reader, Just over a month into the training phase here at MAPS! I feel like I’ve been here much longer than that, and I’m also thrilled that I have eight more months ahead of me - both of continued training and then outreach. MAPS Update I cannot explain my gratitude and love for this community—this family. From daily corporate prayer, rich and compelling Bible teaching, to “Thankfulness Thursdays,” fall festivals, and camping trips, this training time is far beyond what I even imagined...

Jumping in

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