Just over a month in!

Hey Reader,

Just over a month into the training phase here at MAPS!

I feel like I’ve been here much longer than that, and I’m also thrilled that I have eight more months ahead of me - both of continued training and then outreach.

MAPS Update

I cannot explain my gratitude and love for this community—this family.

From daily corporate prayer, rich and compelling Bible teaching, to “Thankfulness Thursdays,” fall festivals, and camping trips, this training time is far beyond what I even imagined it would be.

Getting the time and context to go on the search to find and seek the knowledge of the uncreated God is something I am receiving as a true gift from the Lord.

Over these last weeks, He has been revealing to me the sweetness of coming like a child before Him while captivating me completely with His beauty. I find myself longing for His house and a desire to see every nation pray, preach, and sing.

One thing that stands out to me in my experience here so far is that I cannot escape a sense of His smile and tangible gladness.

There is nothing like growing together with others in a deeper revelation of the heart of Jesus. It is so profoundly uniting us.

I thank the Lord for His leadership in bringing me to MAPS Global, and for each one of your prayers and partnership that paved the way.

Life Update

A few weeks ago, the 'ole Honda Accord wouldn't start up, but through the help of my friend Eli and Caleb, we were able to get a new alternator in it, and it seems to be running nice now.

This past weekend I got to fly home to KC to take my girlfriend to Homecoming and be with my family in KC for my birthday (I turn 18 today, Oct. 15).

I was so glad I got to go, the Lord made my heart so tender to my family and friends.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me


— David


Hi! I'm David

Hi, I’m David Candler, and my passion is to know Jesus deeply and love Him wholeheartedly, and to serve my generation by helping to fan the flame of their passion and discipleship unto Jesus.

Read more from Hi! I'm David
Jumping in

Hey Reader, So it begins We made it. My sister Maddie and I arrived last week in Richmond, Virginia, and have jumped right in to the rhythm and routine of this MAPS global family. Roommate took us to a sweet cliff jumping spot. Orientation We have enjoyed getting to meet the other students as well as the staff and community on the missions base. As I write to you, we are at the end of Orientation week and I find myself so expectant for what the Lord is going to do in these next months — not...

Group photo with map of KC to VA at bottom

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What's Next for David Candler?

Hello Reader, I hope this letter finds you well. Maybe you are like me and can't believe that summer has flown by and we are in August already! I wanted to share an update with you that is summarized in the 1min video I recorded for you below: Here is the gist. As you might know, I just graduated high school, and the Lord has done so much in my heart this past year. Early last fall, the Lord awakened me, along with my friends, to start a Bible study that we've been doing weekly in my garage....